Fine Touch Cleaning has extensive experience in stadium cleaning with the knowledge of what is required to maintain and preserve indoor courts.
Sweeping, auto scrubbing and burnishing of courts on a regular basis is crucial to ensure the longevity of the court surface and provide a safe environment for athletes.
As well as cleaning your indoor courts, Fine Touch Cleaning will take care of other general cleaning needs including washrooms, floors and carpets, windows and any other services you need to keep your sporting centre clean.
Contact us to discuss your sporting centre cleaning needs.
“Fine Touch Cleaning have been a long time and valued partner of the Frankston Basketball Association and whilst we continually get bombarded with other cleaning companies seeking our business, the rates and quality service provided by Fine Touch Cleaning is unmatched. We would highly recommend Glenn and Fine Touch Cleaning to you as a business that has the personal touch and the absolute very best in customer service. Please do not hesitate to call me and I will be happy to discuss with you further about their outstanding service.”
Wayne Holdsworth, General Manager, Frankston & District Basketball Association