Fine Touch Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning - 8 Top Tips to Extend the Life of your Carpets

Looking after your carpets improves the value of your home and brings comfort and warmth to your living areas. Here are our 8 top tips to extend the life of your carpet and protect your investment.

  1. Carpets should be vacuumed at least once per week and more often in areas of heavy traffic. This prevents a build up of dirt and grit in the fibres. When possible, vacuum under those difficult to see areas and around skirting boards where dust and rubbish can build up.
  2. Wet weather can be extremely hard on carpets, especially those heavy traffic areas just inside your front and back doors. If you have muddy shoes coming inside during this time, place a towel or old sheet on the main area to minimize the volume coming onto your carpet. It is very easy to pick up and hide should visitors arrive unexpectedly.
  3. Minimize animals on your carpets, where possible. We all love our animals so getting them their own bed or rug is always a good way to keep those animal smells from becoming our everyday smells.
  4. Treat any stains immediately. Always blot spills - rubbing can wear at the fabric and set the stain. Use white paper towels or a neutral-colored towel, so that you don’t compound the problem by transferring dye. Also, remember to continue blotting the area until it’s almost dry and then vacuum it. Water left in the carpet can lead to mold and bacteria problems. If you cannot get the stain out, do not keep trying. Call a professional carpet cleaner who can guide you on what you need to do. Do not add chemicals to the stain as this may set the stain and make removal impossible.
  5. Dog and cat urine can be removed by pouring cold water into the stain and then using a clean towel to blot the water (stand on the towel to maximise pressure). Continue to pour a small amount of water into the stain until it is clear and doesn’t smell. Ensure you blot as much water out of the carpet as possible, as excess water will create mildew and smell. Place another dry, clean towel over the top of the stain and leave overnight. The towel will aid the drying and help soak up more moisture.
  6. Take your shoes off and keep your socks on! One way of reducing dust and stains is asking everyone who visits you to take off their shoes. It might not be easy, but it is worthwhile in the long run for your carpet. Please note: Bare feet come with body oils which get ground in to your carpet.  Socks and slippers are easy on your carpet - these are ideal.
  7. Strategically placed floor mats are great to protect high traffic lanes such as entrances and areas around chairs and couches. This is the easiest way to keep your carpet clean, although make sure you move them around to avoid differences between the carpet under the mat and the normal carpet.
  8. Carpets should be commercially cleaned at least once per year and perhaps twice per year for those with high traffic areas, children or animals. Do your homework, as there are good and bad carpet cleaners. Some will use quality cleaning chemicals whilst others cut corners and use inferior products. This is especially beneficial if you have quality wool carpets, as incorrect cleaning can cause carpets to shrink.

At Fine Touch Cleaning, we know the value of your carpets. We use steam cleaning or dry cleaning with high quality cleaning products to clean and protect your carpets, without shrinkage or matting.

When it is time for a professional clean, call us on 0467 556 841


Fine Touch Cleaning Pty Ltd
0467 556 841
Frankston, VIC

A quality clean requires a "Fine Touch"
We Clean Up To A Standard. Not Down To A Price
Fine Touch Cleaning